I’ve completed most of my initial check list for the update:
-The travel map is done.
-Calories, fatigue and hunger update when the player is on the travel map.
-I included an animated Camp button which allows the player to access the planning screen if no zombies are near.
-Randomly place safe havens on the map.
-Player and zombie swarm speeds reduce when on rough terrain.
-I added environmental sounds on the travel map.
-I switched the default state of the game to windowed mode. It looks better. You can still go full size if you’d like, but the game looks bad when you do.
I still have a few things to do:
-Re-do three zombie death graphics.
-Fix a glitch where all the zombies instantly die in the city and suburban screens. I think it has something to do with zombies spawning on cars, and then being destroyed. Instead of killing the zombie in question, the program kills all of them.
-There’s another glitch where a dying zombie continues to chase and push the player. I’ve almost got this nailed down.
-The last glitch is a double or triple instance of a dead zombie when it dies.
-After the above is handled, I need to run it through another round of testing. E-mail me if you’re interested: